Wednesday, February 11, 2009

he had a Colt .45 and a deck of cards

These captchas are getting pretty audacious - I mean, really now:

Today I've got class at 2.00. I think we're discussing Beloved for what, the fourth time in my academic career. I've been in school much too long.

Tonight, then, Top Chef! Also to watch La Ronde or Some Came Running. Also Noriko's Dinner Table and Crazy Love which have both lingered near the top of my Netflix queue for a while...Honestly I'd been meaning to check out Ikiru forever - maybe I'll rent that tonight!

I just found out that they're increasing postage rates from 42¢ to 44¢ (I like using the "¢" symbol). This makes me pretty happy - always troubling to get back 58¢ in change (since 5 + 8...).

1 comment:

raquel said...

The way ReCAPTCHA works is you get one regular captcha and one captcha that is actually a word from an archive issue of the New York Times. It's a way to digitize all the old copies of the NYT. I believe they are able to do 1 publication year every month. So that funny looking captcha has a reason ^___^